The Museolaboratorio was established in 1998 by the Città Sant’Angelo City Council and continues to live thanks to the generous spending of time and energies made by many artists and friends who are all passionate about art. Since 2001, under the new direction of artist Enzo De Leonibus, the museum pursued the intent to keep its space always available for experimental research, becoming a suitable space for any contemporary or visual art expression. The Museolaboratorio is primarily a meeting and working hub and does not serve the sole purpose of displaying exhibitions. Enzo De Leonibus comments: “the main goal is to create a climate of relations crucial for the life and progettuality of the museum itself in order for it to become a reference point for contemporary art; a nowhere land that modulates and develops projects and obsessions”. Since 2002, the museum has developed continuous activities with the aim of achieving what had been envisaged since the beginning: build a different and additional path and define new horizons as well as a new artistic and cultural heritage in the world of contemporary art.
1 Office | 2 Room | 3 Room-Igloo | 4 Passiflora (hall of tools) by Bruna Esposito | 5 Overhead by Salis & Vitangeli | 6 A Midad Camino by Yonel Hidalgo Perez | 7 Room | 8 Room | 9 Room | 10 Toilet | 11 Room | 12 Room | 13 Entrance and Gran Sasso d’Italia by Emanuela Barbi | 14 Cloister | 15 Cloister | 16 Room